Sophie and her friend group decide to explore an abandoned mansion for Halloween. However, it goes horribly wrong when a masked figure traps them there and forces them to solve the murder of a previous resident named Jennifer Clark. Complete puzzles, watch memories of the past and solve this forgotten mystery.

We're doing our best to continue making games, but we can't do it alone. If you're financially able, please consider joining our patreon. There will be art, sneak peeks, and short stories of the characters:

Check out our socials! 


Instagram: @sarcastic__cyborg

TikTok: @themurderofjenniferclark

Music credit:

Aaron Krogh

"Music: Funny Quirky Comedy by, Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License"

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

We ask to please not spoil any major plot points in the comments!

Special thank you to Level Up for Charity!

Thank you for playing!

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(103 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
Made withRPG Maker
TagsComedy, Ghosts, Horror, Mystery, Point & Click, RPG Maker, Singleplayer, Story Rich, supernatural


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This was a really good mystery. Like a REALLY GOOD mystery. There weren't any stretches in logic and literally everything came together nicely, without anything that made my head spin to figure out. All the clues you need to solve the puzzles are right there, it's just getting there; the difficulty wasn't too hard and I found myself trying to piece things together on my own. The amount of plot twists there are in this are also delightful because like the puzzles, everything had been foreshadowed without you even realizing until late game. All loose ends are tied up, the main cast is charming, and wow you know how to write a damn good mystery with so many moving parts. Every single piece of evidence you find is not wasted and no character is written lacking depth. If you've got 2 hours to kill, it's a good game to get your gears moving and your deduction exercised.
Marco was my favorite btw, followed by Punch then Sophie; Marco's fourth wall breaks weren't annoying and everyone's reactions to his dark jokes were reasonable while also understanding that just how he copes man. I also love the paper book he brings up when he tries to read ahead even though he's in visual novel. Most of the humor landed. My one complaint is that some of the CGs felt they weren't on screen for long enough but maybe that was because I was on browser. Anyways, great game! Felt like Sherlock playing it.

Thank you SO much for your feedback!! I'm super happy you enjoyed the game and comments like these are always great motivators to continue working on projects.


Wonderful game! Played through twice (i may write a fanfiction). The only problem out of those four hours of awesomeness for me was tonal whiplash (and the fact that you can only have a dream if you've had at least four hours of sleep, but that's not something a normal person would notice, lol). I tried to keep this as vague as possible, since it's something that everyone that likes puzzle games should play! The twists are pretty great and the characters are rad!

Thank you for the feedback and I'm happy you liked it! Looking forward to he fanfic!


This game is such a masterpiece, seriously.

it perfectly balances the amount of reading and "playing", and of course the characters and the plot are awesome and so intresting

Throughout the game it kinda reminded me of danganronpa, but like, the better parts of danganronpa, if you know what I mean

that's it, basically, I'm hoping you'll release more things in the future because this was just amazing

Thank you so much!!! We have a new project releasing very very very soon! 


God, this game is actually one of the best I've ever played. I got ridiculously attached to each character. Maria and Bandit are definitely my favorite duo, though! And the humor in the game perfectly matches mine. The Enigma Game and the investigation weren't too difficult, just the right amount of challenging. But damn, the debate had me actually using my brain to solve what happened. Very glad that a wrong choice doesn't treat you to a game over screen. I've played this game twice now, and it's just as good the second time around! I will forever be sad that there is like no fanart for these characters whatsoever. This game needs more love dammit! Lots of love to everyone who contributed to the game because this truly is a masterpiece!


There's been a few pieces of fanart but yeah not much. There's more content with the characters on our Instagram too. Despite there not being many updates, I'm still working hard on future games. Comments like yours always remind me the hard work is worth it, so thank you so much. This was one of my favorite comments to read.


I loved every second of this game, Great job!

Thank you so much! We're still working hard on future projects!


looking forward to it mate!


hello dves! just wanted to say that i loved  the game. unfortunately i couldnt find anything about it on reddit and not  much on youtube... i wish it was more well known, its such a good game


Thank you! There's been a few playthroughs and I saw one Reddit post but yeah not much. I'm pretty busy with other projects and soon my school semester will start so I haven't been promoting it as much as I should.


I love Virgil, he's so fucking goofy. ADHD Meds? Same! Nervous-ness? Same! I love his character.

He's all of us!

(1 edit)

when i try to play it, i get 'failed to load: img/pictures/Sophie Detective.png'

(1 edit)

That's weird. Is it when you start the game or is at a specific part?

start the game. if it helps, im using incognito mode

That shouldn't affect it. I double checked and that png is in there; plus I haven't seen this issue with anyone else.  Have you tried on a different search engine?

it seems to only be an opera gx problem

(1 edit)

That's... really strange. Hopefully you can enjoy the game on another search engine then.


Oh wow. Like holy crappppp!!!! This was what, the most longest game I've played on this site, and it was worth my damn time! The plot, the storyline, the characters, the EVERYTHING. Like om gosh, ya'll are real good at this. Thank you for this wild mix of emotions and this brilliant experience. I gotta say ten, outta ten. Bravo!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much! If you have an Instagram our account there has more content with the characters and future updates! 


Oooh, yeah I have a insta acc so this'll be interesting, yall deserve my follow! >:D


Thank you!


No prob! :>

(6 edits) (+1)

Are there any secrets/secret endings? Or is there only one ending? Although the unique thoughts are a nice touch, It would be cool if when you took control of another character you could have certain  advantages/disadvantages. Like the kid who likes engineering being able to craft a weapon out of a a chair peg and and a faucet or something (obviously there is the trap but I mean something done by your own choice). The last thing is that I feel there is too little choice, I mean even if there was some illusion of choice added I think that could add a lot. Honestly this whole game reminds me of the book The Seven and a half Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton. This is a really good game! I already have a bunch of theories based on some of the character clues and interactions/events (I see you Lin!). I have a feeling there might be some intriguing foreshadowing!

Side Note: I think the games sets up pretty good reasons why things have to be done in a certain manner, however I feel some of it really just seems to be for the sake of gameplay/have obvious work arounds like not taking the axe. (what if it broke instead) Obviously there is only so much world building a dev can do! Great job!

(3 edits) (+1)

Also my saves didn’t work for some reason…

Oh well I was really into it, and there doesn’t seem to be any chapter skip… There goes two hours :( ! I definitely would’ve kept play all the way through in one sitting, unfortunately I won’t get to experience the conclusion.  Overall, I enjoyed and the humor and I can tell there was a lot of love put into this game! 9/10! 

Thanks for the ideas! They're actually super helpful for ideas with future projects. I'm sorry your saves didn't work, I haven't seen/heard that issue with anyone else. Was it not letting you save at all? Or did it let you save and then the save not work? If you don't want to replay but want to see what happens, you can always watch a playthrough on YouTube! (I recommend Dart Munkey's playthrough of it) 

Also, thanks for your kinds words! Sorry again the save wasn't working.

Thank you for responding so quickly! I was able to save but then the saves did not save I guess.  Like I said before,  I loved the humor and the characters personalities too. I feel like I’ve had friends with each of those character personalities at some point or another. Although I’d have to swap out most of the girls with boys because most of my girl friends wouldn’t make jokes like that! But I defiantly know a Milo, an  Oscar, a Tammy,  the short blue haired kid, a Zack, a Marco, an Edward, and a Cory. I truly enjoyed that game. I am curious though, what were some of your inspirations?  The Seven and a half Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle literally has a mysterious man wearing a bird mask forcing the main characters to solve an unsolved murder in order to survive!

The game itself was mainly based off Zero Escape. It's a visual novel where nine people are stuck on a boat and have to do escape rooms to survive. Your Turn to Die and Danganronpa also played a role but mainly ZE. Nightmare wasn't inspired off anything. He was originally going to be a plague mask doctor so I guess his design is based off that. I just thought a raven in a suit looked creepier. 


I LOVE THE ART SO MCUCH. im horribly sick and finished the game and holy shit,, honestly this gives me YTTD vibes in a very good way i love it sm!!!! :3 the CGS are so GRRRTYHUHSNBGYWFGABHWGYBAHDNHJ im gonna shake them!!!!!11 

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing and I hope you get better soon!


i have already come to care for all the characters

That's amazing to hear! 


This game is amazing. I can't believe I'm playing it for free. Thank you for such a touching experience. I will think about the cast of characters for a long time. <3 Whoever the game dev is, props to you. You should be so proud xxx

(1 edit)

Hi! I'm the game dev! Thank you so much for playing! 


This was such a creative and well written game.

I loved it so much.

Ive never fallen in love with every character in the main cast but with this game I loved the characters so much.

I'm going to reccomend this game to my friends.

It's so good.

A million times thank you! It's always amazing to hear people enjoyed the characters!



I'm like... so emotionally drained rn and just..

(I also may or may not have had the fattest fucking crush on Punch, so this affected me more than I expected.)


I don't even know anymore. I feel numb inside... like when I have to face reality after being so immersed in a fictional world.

Thank you for the happy ending, bc I needed that after all that mental turmoil you put me through.

Thank you for this wonderful game! 💖💖

One of my favorite comment I've ever read, thank you so much for playing! Check out our socials for more content about with the characters!


I definitely will check your socials because I really love this game and characters so much. It's one of my favourites on this site! 😭💖

Happy to hear!


what an incredible game, omg!!! i just played the whole thing and omg, i loved it 😭 i ended up getting attached  to all of the characters, especially punch, veronica, maria, bandit, tammy, edward... okay, everyone!! i super recommend this game to anyone who comes across it, it has incredible characters and a crazy story with a bunch of twists i literally never would have guessed!!! go play it already!!

Happy you enjoyed the characters! They're my favorite part about the game too!


absolutely phenomenal, i didn't expect the game to grip onto my soul the way it did as it went on, but i still think this is a great game. i would love to see more from the maker at some point ^-^


We have updates about future games/projects on our Instagram! (Including a date announcement for our next game coming soon)


that's so exciting to hear! thank you for letting me know


im not done with the game yet (Stuck on the clock rn T^T)  But so far... I LOVE ITTT allof the characters have amazing personalities so far, and the storyline has been really cool!! Im most definitely playing it a second time once im done soi can record >:D

I just finished the fridge part...Definitely crushed my soul. (I still adore the game so far)

Yay! We always love watching videos of the game! Happy you're enjoying it!


well, i just finished the game..I don't think i've ever cried over characters like this before..i will most definitely be doing a recorded playthrough of it !!!

Question: Will there be any other games including these Characters ? (And will Marco get his spin-off game !?)

(1 edit)

Marco sadly won't get a spinoff. I've been planning for awhile now to add some post game scenes with all the characters but it has been postponed because of the other projects going on. There's some fun stuff with the characters on our Instagram and some short stories on our patreon.

aw dang, And ill definitely be checking out the patreon !!


You crushed my soul and i love it 


Perfect! Happy to hear!


i cried so hard my friends on discord got concerned

That was our goal!


This is officially the first game that made me cry. I love this game. The jokes, the twists, the story, the characters, it's AMAZING! Honestly, I'm surprised not everyone knows this game. Respect to @SarcasticCyborg for making this game.

Respect to you back for playing it and leaving this comment! <3


THIS GAME IS SO GOOD!!!! (worthy playing for six hours straight only taking 2 breaks with cookie clicker running in the back round, level good.)

i barely leave games being able to say i didn't predict most of the twists so good job there lmfao- 

i ended up kinning like half the characters and all of them where my favorites after 6 hours straight of playing.

as someone who gets bored easily this was a worthy game to spend my time on on the weekend

All of your comments mean the world! Thank you so much for playing!

The kin thing was so real, tbh i think i kinned Virgil the most (ADHD as well as the stuttering and being down on yourself most of the time)


Hi devs, me again, one of the many people who played and enjoyed your game a lot. I recommended this game to a friend of mine who is an aspiring gaming Youtuber. He dedicated his channel to underrated story games like this one and he really enjoyed this game. He's making a whole playthrough series of it on his channel with commentary. 


Thank you so much for doing that! We always love watching playthroughs!


1. Amazing game, this is so awesome!!! I love the art style, especially the style for the class photo and the final photo. This is a very well written story with Ace Attorney like debate sequences! It's very fun!

2. I somehow finished the game kinning both Marco and Milo/Bandit and I'm not sure what exactly that says about me...

3.  Punch looks like he gives the best hugs ever. I send hugs for all the class/fam!!


As the creator I can confirm that Punch giving great hugs is 100% canon! Thanks for playing!


Will you be making any games in the future with these characters?


Some of them I'm pretty attached to so we'll see. In the next patch I plan to add some skits the player can watch between them post game, so they'll be that. There's also more about them on our Instagram and short stories on our patreon (don't feel obligated to join it though, you playing the game is more than enough support)


I don't think a game has moved me this much in such a long time. Fantastic game, the jokes were so goofy ah, the plot made sense and the twists were unexpected ^^

Yay! Thank you so much for playing!



I feel ya


I CRIED I CRIED I CRIED!! oh my god. i loved this game so much. i C R I E D

dude i dont know what to say it was so good

marco is baby live laugh marco

thank you so much for this masterpiece oml i cried


Making people cry is always a goal!



Seriously, love the story and the amount of plot twists, very well-thought


I'm glad it was worth the six hours! 


This was such an amazing game. The characters were so lovable, and the plot was compelling. Can't wait to see what other games you guys will make in the future.<3

We're still working hard on our next game! (Our Instagram has updates about it) Thank you for playing and commenting on this one.

Uhhhmm i'm not sure what's wrong but for some reason I can't enter codes it just shows the numbers and no arrows to change the codes (great game btw)

You can't enter the code with your arrow keys? Or have you tried that already? 

(1 edit) (+2)

Oh My God. The best part is that the puzzles aren't that hard to solve. It was sooo touching, the time was worth it. I LOVE IT. I'm still wondering who the killer is tho

We wanted easier puzzles so the player can focus more on the story and characters! :)


Thank you , that was so thoughtful of you


This. Is a work of art



This game was so great!!! I literally have no words, so sad yet so sweet jnvlisgbowagboawegb I hope you make more game in the future 

Thanks for playing! Our next game is coming out soon! (Updates on our Instagram) 


Probably the highest quality free game I've ever played. I nearly cried during the ending (which is an accomplishment considering only two pieces of media have ever made me cry). The characters were engaging, and the dialogue was hilarious. The mystery was well written and everything tied together beautifully. Just an overall well executed concept. I definitely recommend this game for fans of murder mysteries.

We're so happy you enjoyed it!


I'm not crying you're crying

3 hours and 36 minutes of feelings I wasn't expecting

Great game, 10/10 would recommend and Marco should get his own spinoff

Thanks for playing!

(3 edits) (+2)

i almost cried at the end. i love the game. very fun. silly characters.

(1 edit) (+1)

Silly characters indeed


Wow the game has been blowing up as of recent. Thank you to everyone who has been playing it/everyone who has played it already! If you're financially able to, consider joining our patreon for short stories of the characters and sneak peaks of future games!

(2 edits) (+2)

7HRS OR LESS FOR ME TO FINISH AND SO WORTH IT. MY FAVORITE FRFR. 100/10 would reccomend. <33 everything was just perfect. From the art to the storyline! Thank you for this. Exceeded my expectations entirely. It's the literal definition of more than meets the eye. A true masterpiece. I LOVE YOU.

Your comment means a lot! Thank you so much for playing!

(3 edits)

Ofc ofc <33 I'm so honored to have been able to play the game! It was really surprising that the game was free, but I'm so grateful at the same time. I look forward to seeing and playing more wonderful works of yours in the future. I didn't include all I wanted to say in my last comment because it was literally 4 am by the time I had finished it and I was just in awe of what I had just played but tired as hell at the same time, lmao. I had the best time playing this game and I don't think even words are enough to express how happy I am to have stumbled upon this work of art. Like I said, from the art to the story line, everything was perfect. Every character was pretty well built, and I ended up loving ALL of them and their contribution to the story. Their personalities, relationships, ugh, I loved it all. I've even recommended it to a friend that enjoys murder mysteries. Which reminds me of my deep love for murder mysteries that probably lured me into this game, and I've honestly never been more fascinated. I will definitely be replaying in the future and thank you again for this spectacular game!

 Lots of love, Emmy <3


She finished it recently and it's literally the main topic of our conversations now. She loved it and we're currently hyper fixated on this game. <33

Hell yeah!


Hey I've loved the game so far i cant wait to finish it, it has a great storyline.

Thanks for the videos!


i can't do this bro

the twists in this game had me so lost and i loved it, i was crying by the end of it

ty for this amazing game we love you sarcastic cyborg (and marco SHOULD get his own spinoff)

We love you too!

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